Friday 2 May 2014

The Multiverse

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a> I would like to start off by saying that I think it would be more correct to call the Universe the Multiverse. I believe that instead of their being just one fixed reality, there are infinite realities, each one different from the next. How the Multiverse was created I don't know. Many creation myths said that in the beginning there was a nothing, an infinite darkness, or an infinite expanse of water. Then this consciousness formed itself within that nothingness, and created the universe (or multiverse, whichever works better for you). I also think that anything you can imagine is real, even if it is in another reality. And because of that, I believe that there is no such thing as myth. Every myth you have ever heard of is real. Every thing that you have ever imagined is real. Magic is real. Anything is possible. There are no limits. Somewhere in the Multiverse what you imagine is happening. The dreams we have in our sleep are real. The Multiverse is quite simply infinite possibility. So why am I saying all this? I am encouraging the world (and myself) to DREAM BIG.

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