Friday, 2 May 2014


In relation to my last post, I also believe in something many other people also believe in: aliens. Given the infinity of the Multiverse, it is hysterical to suggest there isn't extraterrestrial life. And I think they most definitely have been to Earth, and are in fact living here. They watch us. In fact, I even think they had a hand in our evolution. I think humans have alien genes in there DNA. Most are good, but the few that are bad are simply misguided. None are inherently bad. They don't want to abduct us, or take over the planet, or perform Nazi-like experiments on us. Ain't nobody got time for that. They do, however, want to help us. They are like our family. How come there are no reports in the news about  it? There are many reasons, of which I will not talk about, but the Numero Uno reason is that they have highly advanced cloaking devices. They are so cool. And yes I think they had a hand in building Megalithic structures like the pyramids. My point is, they are totally real and without them, life would not be as it is today.

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