Friday, 2 May 2014

Levels of the Earth

I think that there are different levels of the Earth, instead of only one.  Don't quite understand what I mean? I think the best way to explain it is Norse mythology. The Norse thought that there was a cosmic tree, called Yggdrasil, that connected the 9 worlds together. The dragon Nidhogg gnaws at the roots of Yggdrasil. An eagle stands on the topmost branches. A squirrel scurries up and down the tree, carrying insults between Nidhogg and the Eagle. Four deer, named Dainn, Dvalinn, Duneyrr and Durapror, chew the leaves of Yggdrasil. Asgard, the home of the Aesir gods, is at the very top. Below that is Alfheim, home of the elves. Below that is Midgard, otherwise known as Earth, the land of humans. Jormungandr, the Midgard Serpent, is a serpent so huge it encircles the Earth, with it's tail in its mouth. North is Niflheim, land of Ice. East is Jotunheim, land of the frost giants. South is Muspelheim, land of fire. West is Vanaheim, home of the Vanir gods. Below Midgard is Svartalfheim, land of the dwarves. And at the very bottom is Helheim, land of the dead. Bifrost, the Rainbow Bridge, connects all the levels. It can be seen as the Aurora Borealis and the Aurora Australis. This legend describes how I see it best. Does this also mean I believe in gods and mythical and legendary creatures and beings? Yes, yes it does indeed. And I will hold firm on that belief. Yes I also believe in God and angels too. I believe in all deities. I bet ya are right confused right about know, aren't ya? All will be explained at later date. Patience grasshoppers, patience....

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